keje oh keje tu je yg dapat di ungkap uhu..dah 2 hari aku ber kampung kt opis sampai 9pm ni keje punya pasal kepala pun naik tingtong wuarkhhhhh...kebusyan pd minggu ni tersangat le terselah uhu *sample yg berderet tunggu turn nk di testing *time tu le plok auditor nak melawat lab uhu * time tu gak le instrument aku memanje nak rosak almaklum r dh lame engineer dia xdatang gedikk santai pe blh wat name pun keje terima je le hope bos aku blh up bonus jd 6 bln thun dpn (^,^)...hope tomorrow 'll going smooth pd makcik & uncle2 yg dtg lab aku esok x banyak soal hehehe..
moral of d'story: keje lah kamu sebelum kamu di keje kan uhu & anggap ler keje ni suatu ibadah sekian =))
Ahad = hari utk meronggeng @ hari utk mengemas umh @ hari utk bermalas-malasan di rumah @ hari utk berdating bg yg couple lor =)
so aku pilih hari ni utk bermalas-mlasan di umh =) bgn pagi matahari dh say Hi! kt aku i feel lk so happy cz so long did't see u sunny hehe..then pegi balkoni tgk awan so amazing SUBHANALLAH santekk ye awan hari ni so pe lg amikk hp click lor cz mlas nk pasang lah buah tgn dari hp aku...
alkisah aku dari k.t'ganu to jb yg sgt tragic maybe....around 9o'clock i juz naik ferry & around 10.30am we arrived Merang jetty and one uncle already waiting for me to bring me to airport with cost rm 18 so around 11.30am i already at the airport & looking for air ticket yang available.1st Firefly - full seat but ask to come again around 4o'clock to check available..2nd MAS - full seat also (my heart lk should i fly by my own!!) but their hv stand by seat so i juz buy (rm 409) & its juz confirm on 4o'clock whether i can fly or not..
inilah suasana T'ganu airport around 12.30am yg sgt tiada org cz lum ada flight........
4pm already orang semakin ramai & my heartbeat going faster to hear my name on the counter the end they call my name & i can fly to KL (^,^).so 5.15pm reach KLIA & i juz follow my steps suddenly i was in front of KLIA transit counter& buy a ticket to TBS.
TBS already!lastly sampai jb around 11o'clock...moral of the story if you're in kalut situation u can do anything what u want uhu for example me......i never tk flight alone..take ERL..being alone in at place that i dn't knw ( aku xplore kuala terengganu airport utk cari wi-fi tp mlang ye xde pn uhu)..............sekian