good morning sunshine!!!!uhu i missed the sunrise..........
one o f my breakfast (wahh cm byk je aku mkn =p hehe)
okies lepas breakfast dgn byk aku pn jejln tepi pantai bg men-digest kn food + sesi a part of photos'z tepi pantai yg di capture (^,^)v
santekkk ye awan kt sini sgt bersih.. |
lepas ambil gambar ni terasa mau angkat wide angle lens jer hehe.... |
jejalan sudah get ready for snokel =))
okies after a short briefing we waiting for a boat (watch out sape yg x tahan blh muntah wow pd sape yg makan terlalu byk time breakfast so dinasihat kn jgn le mkn benyk t terkluar blik ).......kali ni snokel point kt Marine Park & ambil mse dlm 15 min perjlnan kot hehe ni photoz aku amik otw nak g sane..
ni lah kt Marine Park tgk gambar je dah tau tersgt ler ramai org nk snokel if xbebtol leh tersepak montot org not only visitor from Laguna Resort yg snokel kt sini but i think from all resort in Redang Island & barang2 berharga jgn le bawak n camera pn kne ler berhati2 cz xde safety box disediakan (if di sediakn rse ye xcukup kot ).Sesi snorkel de ler dlm sejam lbh tp syok jugekk le byk ikan n if nk amik gambar under water pn de juz pergi je dkt uncle yg jerit "underphoto sesion" hehe t dia selam kn le kte n collect kt resort then bayar ler rm 5 per photog =)
Sesi mensnokel kt sini pn habis then beratur le nk nek boat (de ler dlm 15min beratur cz kitorg 1company 1 boat,nk mencollect org cmpany aku ni phm2 je le)..sementara tu aku ni le activity aku while waiting for others:
kepenatan after menguak kt marine park tak habis lg sambung plak last sesion of snokel dlm 3pm kt open sea but this time xramai org maybe ramai yg pancit kot hehe..Among 3 point of snokel this point was the best cz got a lot of life coral n so colorful & also got a lot of fish (shark pn de uhu..) here i luv when fish feeding a school of fish was aroud me but a bit regret no underwater capture uhu..
3rd point of snorkel
Sesi lepakking @Laguna Beach here also aku snorkel cz byk gak ikan kt sini..this sikit buah tgn dr camera aku (^,^)
ni view Laguna Resort around 5pm |
i luv this scene feel so relax |
Crystal wave |
Senja menjelang tiba tp sunset another side plak..
Malam sudah tiba so sesi merehatkn diri sambil layan lifeband cz esok sudah mau balik...
Cam best je ice kacang ni uhu skali tye RM 8.00 okies so beli je pn kt pulau |
thats all for 2nd day to b continued....